Howard (2009) Table
Surnames Starting With
A - F
G - O
P - Z

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Howard Cemetery

Old (2009) table with very few gravestone photos

View 2016 Table

Howard cemetery entrance photo

The earliest secretarial records indicate that on April 17, 1871 land was purchased from Augustus Beville at a cost of $31.00 (Elma was not incorporated until 1886.). Additional land was purchased from Elmer Jacoby in 1939. There are also records that indicate that additional land was added in about 1954. Records are maintained by hand in a large hard-backed record book. In about 2009 the record keeping was transferred to a new person who has transcribed all of the information to a computer spreadsheet, which is presented here.

Click on the respective Index in the left table to search the surnames in that Group.

The Howard Cemetery Association person responsible for maintaining the records of the cemetery is willing to do lookups on a volunteer basis and provide whatever information is available. He may be contacted by USPS mail at the following address: Mr. Edward K. Buls, 7752 Highway 9, Riceville, IA 50466.

For the marker Section and Lot locations listed on the various Indexes, click here for an image of the Howard Cemetery layout.